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  /    /  Designed Gourmet, Ibéricos & Cheese  /  Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Loin 80gr

Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Loin 80gr


16 in stock


Top quality acorn-fed Iberian loin
Iberian loin is a sausage made from pork loin. At Extrem, the loin pieces are made exclusively from 100% acorn-fed Iberian pigs and are seasoned with the best oregano and Pimentón de la Vera.

Before you can buy acorn-fed Iberian loin and enjoy it in your home, it goes through four stages of preparation.

· Marinating the loin: in the first stage, the loin is marinated and seasoned with oregano and Pimentón de la Vera to give it an unrivalled flavour.

· Draining the loin: in the second stage, the loins are left to drain for as long as necessary so that they only have the right amount of ingredients.

· Curing the loin: the third stage is curing, a crucial process for the quality of the piece.

· Drying the loin: lastly, during the drying process, the acorn-fed Iberian loin acquires the nuances of texture and flavour so characteristic of this sausage.